Behavioural Expectations:
- Participants are expected to dress appropriately (Business Attire) throughout the entirety of the conference; unless the participant's cultural customs entail otherwise.
- Delegates shall arrive on time to all committee sessions. In case there are any issues that make it difficult to meet this requirement, delegates should inform their chairs right away.
- Delegates are expected to interact with one another and the chairs in a diplomatic way. Screaming, interrupting chairs or other delegates and similar behaviors are considered highly inappropriate and will result in a warning.
- Delegates shall respect and follow the decisions of officials, including chairs, advisors and Secretariat members.
- Delegates should participate actively in all committee sessions.
- Students who behave inappropriately, in a way that violates the expectations of the YOUMUN Code of Conduct, shall be subject to disciplinary measures. Any major infraction will immediately be reported to the YOUMUN Administration and be dealt with on a case by case basis. Delegates will be given a warning after each minor infraction. In the event that delegates receive a third warning, the Administrative team will be contacted immediately, as well as the responsible advisor.
Zoom Protocols:
- Delegates must have their camera on at all times during the conference. In case there is any issue that requires the camera to be turned off (such as poor internet connection), delegates must first communicate and receive approval from the chairs.
- Delegates shall mute their microphones when not speaking.
- Zoom backgrounds or the use of any of the Zoom special effects during committee sessions is not permissible.
- Zoom backgrounds or the use of any of the Zoom special effects during committee sessions is not permissible. In the event that delegates need to utilize a different background for personal reasons, approval from the dais must be given beforehand.
- Delegates shall not share any of the Zoom links/Meeting IDs with anyone. Please keep in mind that this information is exclusively for those participating in the conference and thus should not be shared with outsiders.
- Upon entering their Zoom "room", delegates should rename themselves to the following format: Delegation- Full Name- School (ex. Israel- John Smith- International School of Curitiba).
- Delegates are not allowed to record sessions. The dais of each respective committee may record the sessions at all times via the Zoom function and these may be then given to delegates or advisors upon request.
- Delegates shall use the Zoom chat for professional purposes only. No foul language, harassment, graphic/explicit content or inappropriate conversations will be tolerated.
- Delegates shall not interrupt the chairs during committee. In case they wish to speak, delegates must use the raise hand option on Zoom to signal their intent of doing so.
- All participants in YOUMUN must be aged no younger than 14 and no older than 19. Additionally, all delegates must be currently enrolled in High School. No Middle School or college students will be permitted to participate in the conference.
- All delegates must register through their responsible advisors. Those who wish to register as individual delegations are welcome to do so but must fill in a special "Individual Delegation" registration form; contact information of a legal guardian is needed. Delegates can only register individually if their school is not registering as a whole cohort. If their school is planning to do so, then delegates must register as a group with their respective school.
- School registration: Advisors can register multiple students at once via the "School Registration" form. Advisors must specify the exact number of delegates that will be attending. Schools that register in the early registration session may not register again to include additional delegates once the late registration session is open.
- Delegates must pay the mandatory registration fee at the time of registration in order to ensure their participation at the conference (this fee may be waived under special circumstances of financial hardship).
- Registration fees are non-refundable in case of absence in the conference.