What are the awards offered by YOUMUN?
The YOUMUN Leadership Team firmly believes that it is imperative that delegates who perform exceptionally well within committee sessions are rewarded for their efforts. As such, this year's event will entertain the following 3 awards in each committee: 2 Outstanding Delegation awards and 1 Best Delegation award. Please note that while Press delegates will also be receiving awards, these being 1 Best Delegation award and 1 Outstanding Delegation award. Additionally, a conference wide Best Position Paper award will also be given to the conference's best written paper according to the Academic Secretariat's evaluation.
In order to receive feedback from chairs, delegates are required to submit their position papers by June 22nd, 2022 at 23:59 UTC. While this deadline is optional, only delegates who submit their materials by this deadline will become eligible for the whole conference Best Position Paper award. For all other awards, the final deadline for submission of position papers is June 24th, 2022 at 23:59 UTC. Failure to submit on time will result in ineligibility for awards.
When deciding upon Delegate Awards, chairs will consider the following areas of evaluation:
In order to receive feedback from chairs, delegates are required to submit their position papers by June 22nd, 2022 at 23:59 UTC. While this deadline is optional, only delegates who submit their materials by this deadline will become eligible for the whole conference Best Position Paper award. For all other awards, the final deadline for submission of position papers is June 24th, 2022 at 23:59 UTC. Failure to submit on time will result in ineligibility for awards.
When deciding upon Delegate Awards, chairs will consider the following areas of evaluation:
- Participation in committee: Delegates will be evaluated based on their participation both during debate and in caucusing. It is important to highlight that the evaluation on either of the occasions is given equal consideration, thus, delegates should do their best to participate as much as possible during all committee sessions. Awarded delegates are those who have shown consistent and meaningful participation within the conference.
- Remaining in character: It is imperative that whenever delegates participate in a committee, they represent the interests of their assigned country/ individual. It is important to note that all delegates are expected to interact with one another and the chairs in a diplomatic way. Screaming, interrupting chairs or other delegates and similar behaviors are considered highly inappropriate and unprofessional and will be looked down upon by the dias. Awarded delegates are those who are effectively able to portray their country/individual's position while maintaining a diplomatic posture.
- Quality of speech: Delegates will be evaluated according to their public speaking skills. This criterion of evaluation is not based on how much was said by a delegate, but the quality of his/her speech. Awarded delegates are those who have shown ability to speak clearly and coherently, ask insightful points of information, give powerful speeches and provide evidence to support their arguments.
- Proper use of rules of procedure: YOUMUN adheres to the traditional rules of procedure (Harvard MUN) in order to facilitate and maintain a high quality of debate. The specifics may be found under the YOUMUN Delegate Handbook. Delegates are expected to adhere to procedure at all times, unless otherwise specified by the dias. Chairs will be patient towards delegates who are not completely familiar with rules of procedure during initial sessions and may provide further guidance if needed. Delegates who raise inappropriate motions will be looked upon negatively by the chairs. Awarded delegates are those who have consistently followed rules of procedure throughout the entirety of the conference.